Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Finally, Nice Weather!

Hello all. We hope you are having a beautiful day. It's sunny and supposed to be in the high 60's today and closer to the 80's for the weekend (I refuse to look at tomorrow's strong chance for showers and only in the low-50's, but at least it aint snowing!). We are so excited for this awesome weather and have been getting a lot of outdoor tasks accomplished! For starters, we got our garden weed free, the compost tilled in, and the starts, well, started. Our list of fruits and veggies are growing this year as we strive to be more self sufficient and organic. Chris is going to build a raised vegetable garden today so we can have some more space (maybe a couple of them). We also ordered a bunch of rock to spread around the flower bed and somehow in between ordering 2-3" colored river rock and the actual delivery, it got translated to 2-6" river rock. So in short, we have about 4 yards of 2-6" river rock dumped on the side of the house. Oops. We decided to roll with it and started spreading that, it is definitely not what we were wanting but is actually looking pretty decent and hopefully the raised gardens will add some more depth and break up the river bed look a bit. Talk about a $250 mistake, and it's not one you can easily fix (mainly for two reasons, (one) to try and shovel that stuff to return it is impossible and (two), we don't think the van or subaru could handle 4 yards of 2-6" rock! Chris needs another truck...) It was dumped because of a mis-communication between Chris and the nursery, and oh well, it still looks good. We also planted a couple himrod grapes and are trying to get another variety as well. Chris still has a lot of researching to do before we finally decide what to do and how to grow them. Oh the joys of gardening.

Chris has been keeping busy at the railroad and has just completed his spring term at OSU (and is SO VERY happy to have that done, especially the trig class that has been a thorn in his side). He resigned from the police department a few weeks ago because of personal reasons and to devote more energy to our family. He is knee-deep in summer term at Moody Bible Institute and is enjoying the challenge of Old Testament Survey and The Church and its Doctrine as courses this term. Shawna is getting HUGE (maybe twins? hehe). The midwife says she has been moving right on track. We had an ultra-sound scheduled a while back but canceled the appointment and have yet to reschedule it. We're not the least bit concerned with finding out what the baby is anyway until birth anyway. Matty, Katie, and Joy have been awesome, also enjoying the nice days outside. They are back in swimming lessons (well, except for Joy) and are loving that twice a week. Hopefully this summer we can enjoy some water recreation like boating with Grampa Joe and Nana in California.

Of course struggles exist in any family and Chris' family has had some major setbacks the past few months, so please pray for them for help in their dealing with recent tragic events. And always remember to praise God, for although we may have NO idea what His plan is for us, that it is His plan and He is in control of all things, who are we to question what He allows? Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Well not to end in a sad tone, but that is about it. We will upload some pictures soon and get them posted in a bit (later today) and you can see how fast our kiddos are growing. We hope all is well in your family, you are in our thoughts always. We love each and every one of you (and there's not a thing you can do about it!). Take care and God bless.

-The Myron Family

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