Joy is still doing great. She is getting cozier and has started that lovely two year old fussing that only a two year old can do! She is actually a very good two year old, our almost-four year old can probably even take some notes from her. This past week has been full of laughs, naps, and stool samples. As far as we know she is a healthy girl who is current on all of her shots, (and HATES the doctors office because of it), she loves playing in the play kitchen, being chased by her big sisters, and doing anything that makes anyone laugh, oh yeah, and food time, that's probably her favorite. We have also learned that mama means mama, and I want that, and I want food, and I want anything... Shawna has taught her some sign language (like more, please, drink, etc). I've been slipping in the "dada" and Matty has even been slipping in the "Matty". She is picking up on it and is still continuing to show how smart she is. She pretty much understands anything we tell her. For example, Shawna told her to "Go get your slippers." And she returned moments later with her slippers. Yes you can teach a dog to do that, but we never asked her that before and didn't even know if she would understand us, so it was actually very impressive. She is very attentive and learns quickly.
Katie is doing great, still eats like a bird yet seems to be full of energy ALL THE TIME. She has taken the role of bully. I guess every family needs one. We have to keep our eye on her around Joy, she's not brutal, just likes to exercise her size and age seniority to her new little sister every now and then, which in turn makes us exercise ours to her, it's a viscous cycle! She is otherwise very loving to Joy and definitely helps mom out.
Mataya is also great. She has really taken on the role of nurturer to Joy and is Shawna's newest personal assistant (how do I get one of those). She has been working diligently during school time (which with Joy's arrival hasn't been as much as it probably should, but she is so far ahead...). She is a great big sister to both of her younger ones and is so great all the time that when she does have that moment of orneriness, (I had to look up how to spell that one!), Shawna and I are reminded that she is only six, not 16 like she acts most of the time.
And baby is doing great. Most of our online friends may not know this, (except those on FB), but Shawna is pregnant. We found out around the time Joy came home. It was an unexpected and wonderful blessing that is definitely a gift from God. It's funny how things work sometimes... We got to listen to the heartbeat, it sounded strong and healthy. Listening to that heartbeat was a great reminder of how great God's gift of life is, and that you can't deny there's life there, any way you look at it.
Shawna is still battling the nausea. How she finds the strength to do what she does every day I will never know. A mother and wife, another example of God's mercy and strength! Sometimes I get dizzy watching her work. Hopefully the nausea is nearing the end stages based on the way the past two pregnancies unfolded.
I returned to work last Wednesday and still haven't been called for any shifts, I love the railroad when it's like this, I say keep paying me to stay at home! College classes started last Monday and I have definitely been hitting the math hard! I was so afraid of returning to college after a near 12 year break last summer but I am really enjoying it and am getting surprisingly good grades. (Unlike my high school days; that was Shawna's fault, boy's shouldn't associate with girls until after high school, they're bad news for concentrating... well, that and maybe it was the fact that I skipped so much... and NEVER did any homework... thinking about it, how I ever graduated I will never know, thank you California public education of the 1990's).
Thursday we decided to paint the living room like we have been wanting since the house was built almost four years ago. We chose First Star (grayish white) for two walls and the ceiling and Recycled Glass (looks prettier than it sounds, it's greenish) for the other two walls. We stayed up until almost 3am finishing the second coat because we were so motivated to see that brown disappear. Saturday we started painting the rest of the house, mostly the Dover White we painted the kitchen in a few months back with a few walls of the Recycled Glass. By bedtime I was so motivated that when Shawna went to bed around 11pm, I stayed up to finish it (thought it would be a good idea to shock my sleep pattern before the railroad did, I called it a preemptive strike). Good-bye icky brown! I planned on an all-nighter and getting to the bathrooms but underestimated the time it would take me to do it alone. 6am quickly came and I hadn't finished giving the hallway a second coat. I quickly cleaned because I knew the kids would be up and I had to get their Easter baskets ready. We'll finish the hallway today, and maybe get the strength to get the bathrooms done as well. What a chore, but our house looks incredible, so much better than it did with that flat brown.
Our Easter was awesome. The kids woke to find their traditional Easter basket full of candy and small gifts. Matty got some stuff to get ready for T-Ball (bat, glove, ball, and tee-stand) and Katie got a fishing pole. We bought Matty one last Easter and her and I loved fishing together. Katie has been expressing interest in it so I thought it was time for her to tag along as well. I can't wait for it to warm up a bit to take them. Our church had a Easter breakfast before service but the kiddos were down with some pretty good colds, so we skipped out in hopes not to share what they have. We had a restful day, watched the snow fall, (yes, SNOW on Easter, isn't it spring time), and the kids had fun playing with the fake grass. It covered every square inch of the living room floor, maybe only two bags of it next year. We colored some eggs and watched a movie. We finished the evening with homemade tortilla soup (yummy) and homemade strawberry shortcakes. After that it was Easter egg hunt time, that's always a blast. Because of the snow and cold, we held it indoors this year! Then Shawna pulled out something she had gotten from the store, egg shells filled with confetti. I had never seen them before and she thought I was insane because apparently she grew up with them. We had a major confetti fight and by the end of it, we were covered (as was our house). It was so much fun and definitely worth the mess to see the kids having so much fun. We read about the death and resurrection of our sweet Savior Jesus, and then it was off to bed for the kiddos. Mom and dad (mostly mom, don't judge me, she stole the vacuum) cleaned up the confetti and grass mess for the next hour. Confetti was everywhere, even our underwear, what the heck?!? I did a little bit of school while Shawna played around with the day's pictures (she is quite the photographer).
So here it is, just another manic Monday. We hope everyone is doing as great as we are. Here are a few pictures from the past week. Take care everyone!
Painting begins.
Out with the brown, in with the green!
Aw, it feels great to get this done, our "new" living room!
What's this white stuff? They don't have much of this in Ethiopia. Looking out the front door and over the back deck.
Easter egg coloring. Yes, that's Matty beside Joy. Her and Katie decided to prove the theory that I am wasting money by keeping the thermostat too high and decided to spend the afternoon in just their underwear (or as Matty would correct me, panties). Apparently that's how we roll here at the Myron home! I was pretty sure I would violate online child protection laws so this is the only picture I want to post of this!
Kids, I honestly don't know where the last egg can be hiding. Keep looking!
Confetti fun!
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