My mom dropped us off at the hotel last night. Matty was sad, so were we. It was not fun. As predicted, Katie didn't seem so concerned. :) But we were all strong and said our goodbyes and by the time my mom got them home, (with the help of some ice cream), the kids were doing fine.
We made it to PDX! We woke up at 3:30am and taking the advice of our travel agent and the airlines we made sure we as "international travelers arrive at least three hours before departure." Once we got to the ticket agent she looked up our flight info. She then told us to "step aside to let other passengers with earlier flights check-in." What? Are you kidding me? We arrived 2 hours and 55 minutes before the flight, per YOUR instructions, then you tell me to step aside to let people that didn't heed your instructions pass by me? Where's the sense here? If you make me wait too long, you'll have to clear the line for me...

But all is well and God is good. We made it through security with a breeze. Luckily we didn't have to walk more than 50 feet before stumbling upon a Starbucks (where in America can you walk more than 50 feet without accidently hitting one?). Now it was time for a "Breakfast of Champions!" A white chocolate mocha and maple bar for me, a vanilla frapucino and bran muffin for Shawna, and a passion-something-something lemonady thing and maple bar for Michelle. We will board our flight to St. Paul soon and hopefully make it in time to catch our connection to Amsterdam.
Here we go!

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