Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Decision to Adopt

So a lot of our friends have asked us how we came about on our decision to adopt. I thought I would tell the [short] story of how it came to pass.

I don't know how to begin the 'summary' of our long story with our adoption. The Lord had put this on our heart in a miraculous way about a year and a half ago. I had been interested in adopting and never thought Chris would go for it. I thought "hey, if I do a lot of research and get all my ducks in a row, he'd at least have to give me kudos for trying."(!) I figured he would never go for it, or even consider it. Well, as I began the process of "looking into it", the Lord was already working on his heart.

The following I had not known when I began the quest for adoption knowledge...
He had taken a train down south to Keddie (freight train engineer with BNSF) one day. Upon his usual walks through the desolate dustbowl, he happened upon an adoption agency with a sign in the window that said they were in need of families. Thoughts started crossing his mind about how wonderful it would be to adopt a child. He began thinking about how he might present this desire of his to me and wondered if I would go for it. (um, yeah) Anyway, he came home from his trip and I greeted him at the door as usual. Unknown to him, I had the "Holt International" web page up doing my research. I quickly closed the computer when I saw him come in.....but never closed the web page...

A couple days later, he confessed that he saw what I was looking at...yes, a COUPLE DAYS LATER. So one thing led to another and....we're pregnant with a paperwork baby.

The sequence of events and the timing of it all was all the work of the Holy Spirit. It took no convincing (or manipulating!) on either side, it was all the hand of God.

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